David Evans: Bring On An Exciting, Fulfilled Retirement Life


Moving from the predictability of your nine-to-five, to facing the prospect of hanging up your work boots for good is both an exciting time, as well as downright scary. What are you going to do with yourself now? You used to have a routine, work is pretty much all you have known, and even the kids have moved out and on with their own lives. You are left to ponder the last stage of your life – retirement.

You are not at the end yet – you have many years to enjoy, so make them count!

David Evans is a former lawyer and teacher who discovered a passion for writing, so he began his blog Grey Fox in 2011 as an outlet for his creativity. To begin with, he chose to write about an issue facing many older men and women; how to dress well and where to shop. While he initially planned to move on from this topic quite quickly, what has emerged is an oft-cited and very popular fashion and lifestyle blog that has featured in likes of The Guardian, GQ Magazine, The Times Magazine, Huffington post and an array of international fashion publications.

David is a shining example of how one can embrace retirement for all it has to offer and take the opportunity to spark new passions, new interests and a whole new life. Once retired from his career, David took on the challenge of doing what he always wanted to do, to write, and hasn’t looked back.

“Retirement is no longer the time to pull out the carpet slippers and moth-eaten cardigan (well, maybe occasionally) it’s a fantastic opportunity to explore further and start afresh. It’s a time to look ahead and not dwell on the past,” David said.

“Retirement is a time of opportunity. Age brings wisdom (to most of us) contentment and the time and (hopefully) the financial power to explore the world around us in ways not open to us when we were wage slaves. Our life expectancies are longer than were our parents’ so we can look forward to many years of being able to extend our interests, travel, fall in love, read, collect beautiful things – whatever we want to do.”

David’s key to a happy and fulfilled retirement is staying engaged and active. As we move into older age, it is more important than ever to stay fit, both mentally and physically, and allow ourselves the simple pleasure of being excited by new prospects and embracing change.

In terms of staying mentally fit, it is as simple as getting out and enjoying the world around you. No longer do you need to grab a coffee on the way out the door and spend your daylight hours sitting in an office or warehouse – these hours are now are yours to do as you wish! Take a vacation to that holiday destination of your dreams, check out the latest cruise deals or join a travel club. If you are the entrepreneurial type, why not start a small online business or work from home on a project that excites you.

“What books, music, art, films have you always meant to see but haven’t yet got around to? Get out and about and visit places, cities, museums, galleries and beautiful parts of the outdoors and you’ll find that an enthusiasm will emerge for something… Take up hobbies; painting, photography, keep fit, cycling, dancing, dating – your age is no barrier to the opportunities,” advises David.

“You may want to get to grips with the problems that will face our children; climate change, pollution, overcrowding and become involved in an issue that interests you.”

Staying physically fit need not be a chore either, just weave exercise into your every day. David recommends walking or cycling instead of driving (where possible), joining a gym, or signing up for a dance or yoga class designed for your age and ability level. A healthy body helps foster a healthy mind and a greater appreciation of the opportunities open to you.

Use it or lose it is the watchword. From this will come mental fitness too – boredom and depression can come from inactivity and are best managed by getting out of your chair and staying busy.”


“I’ve recently extended the subject of the blog to talk about travel and lifestyle because these things are all relevant to the man of style. Style isn’t just how we look, it’s what we do, where we go on holiday, the watches, pens, cars, cameras we use. I like all those things too, so it’s an opportunity to explore subjects I find interesting. They are all part of the style formula so are worth writing about too.”

Be inspired by David’s journey by visiting his blog; www.greyfoxblog.com

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Twitter: @GreyFoxBlog
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Pinterest: GreyFoxBlog