Female Money Management Stories That Puts Them Way Closer to Retiring Early


Women and money, if stereotypes are to be believed, don’t belong together. “There are so many fabulous women writing about personal finance online, and yet there is still a perception that women aren’t good with money, don’t care about money, or don’t understand it on a granular level beyond perhaps knowing how to coupon and score a good shopping deal,” writes Angela, the blogger behind Tread Lightly, Retire Early.

Truth can be far from the stereotype. In this roundup post, she shares a story of how a follower of hers was able to save 72% of her middle-class income. It’s an incredible feat that not many other men can accomplish. There are two more stories in this post that are just as great as the first one.

It’s always amazing to hear about women succeeding in their quest to retire early. This makes it all the more easier for Retirement Life Magazine to recommend this excellent article.

Read the source article at Tread Lightly, Retire Early