G20 is Beginning to Consider The Massive Number of Retirees and Pensioners as a Global Risk


Came across this striking article on Money Control that got really piqued our interest. It’s titled In Historic First, G20 Weighs Ageing as Global Risk.

It’s a gripping macro view of the state of the retirement scene a lot of countries. Here’s an insight that we found really thought-provoking:

By 2050, the world is projected to have more than two billion residents aged 60 and above, more than double the number in 2017, OECD says.

But many economies have failed to update their pension and employment systems to adjust to the changing demographics, experts warn.

This has resulted in fiscal and debt risks for whole countries, as well as individuals.

Check out the rest of this article for more context…

Read the source article at moneycontrol.com