Why Moving to a Lower Cost Housing Might Be the Best Thing To Do for Your Savings Account


We found this interesting article from Market Watch and immediately thought that we would share it with you here. It’s called The No. 1 Thing People with Fat Savings Accounts Scrimp On That You Likely Don’t.

In it, Catey Hill shares some interesting insights on an often underestimated item on your expense column that’s making a significant dent on your savings. Here’s an excerpt that’s thoroughly thought-provoking: 

In some ways, it may be easier to cut housing costs than make smaller conscious choices all day to cut out the things you love, like those lattes. After all, you move once, and your monthly mortgage or rent payments are slashed every month following.

For more of Catey Hill’s interesting perspective, check out the rest of her piece on Market Watch…

Read the source article at MarketWatch